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Oral Care for Children

When Should Your Children Visit A Dentist?

From the age of 7 years, a new set of adult teeth begin to come in for young children as they shed their milk teeth.

For this reason, it is advisable for young children to attend basic orthodontic checkups at this age to evaluate their jaw growth and positions of erupting teeth. With early detection, it is possible to prevent many potential complications and problems.

a child patient makes sure her oral hygiene is in check

When Should You Bring Your Child For Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Some orthodontic problems may be easier to correct if they are found and treated early.

As a parent you may wonder when, and if, your child should see a dentist. There are several indicators for your child to go for early orthodontic treatment:

  • Early loss of baby teeth (before age five)

  • If your child’s teeth do not meet properly when biting

  • Mouth breathing and/or snoring

  • If your child’s front teeth appear to be crowded or protruded

  • Biting or chewing difficulties

  • if you child shows signs of speech impediment

  • If your child has thumb-sucking habits

a boy patient showing dentist his dental issue

Different Stages Of Oral Interventions For Kids

We recommend early treatment for your child’s oral care to reduce the severity of potential complications that may affect their speech, jaw and skeletal development. Here’s what you can expect for children’s oral care treatments

1. Early Detection and Intervention

In this stage, our dentists aim to identify any orthodontic issues early, eliminate any undesirable oral habits of the children and promote jaw growth to provide a favourable environment for the adult teeth to erupt properly

2. Oral Care for Mix Dentition Phase

This is the stage where your child has both adult and milk teeth. The goals in this phase are to correct any bite issues and to begin the process of gently straightening misaligned permanent teeth.

3. Correct Adult Teeth Position

Once children have a full set of adult teeth, they are likely to be going through puberty. Our dentists can take advantage of this growing phase to correct teeth positions and achieve a beautiful smile with Invisalign First.

a girl patient excited for her dental visit
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